Exactly 11 months after my gallbladder removal, I was doing wonderful. I had no pain. Ever. I felt like a normal human being. I had forgotten what it felt like to be pain free. PURE BLISS!
I developed a head cold and stayed home from work. I was laying on the couch and then BAM!! Pain in my right side. Then I started to get nauseous and totally lost my appetite. The pain is around my rib cage and goes down to my groin and abdomen.
I went to urgent care to see a doctor, fearing that my appendix was about to explode or something. There was blood in my pee, so she unofficially diagnosed me with a kidney stone and prescribed me some pain medication and some medicine to suppress the nausea. I am scheduled for a CT scan this afternoon to see what the hell is going on.
This is so reminiscent of my life almost 3 years ago. I was laying on the couch only to be bombarded with this pain in my right side that no doctor was ever able to diagnose for over 2 years. I had a CT scan, 2 ultrasounds, and several blood and urine tests only for everything to be normal.
I am scared to death that I will go in for this CT scan, have nothing show up, and be told "just ride it out, it will go away" or "it's all in your head, take some Xanax". I think it's pretty obvious that I have developed some sort of mental trauma and anxiety over that entire experience, because I am so depressed and pissed off beyond belief and SCARED that I will have to go through it again now.
I sound crazy.
Please send positive thoughts my way today, that my CT scan will give me some answers. I haven't been able to eat much for 4-5 days (yesterday I did eat some pizza! that was awesome) and I just want to go back to feeling healthy like I was a week ago.