I've noticed that in the past few weeks my blog traffic has increased, specifically to my posts about my gallbladder surgery.
Here are some examples of the Google searches people are conducting:
21 year old with dysfunctional gallbladder
foods you shouldnt eat with a dysfunctional gallbladder
phantom gallbladder pains
dysfunctional gallbladder why do i need it removed?
dysfunctional gallbladders
gallbladder surgery blogs
gallbladder was chest pain everyday
I just want to encourage people who come across this to please feel free to leave comments! I will answer ANYTHING about my gallbladder surgery. I was SCARED. TO. DEATH. of mine because of the fact that I conducted so many Google searches beforehand and read so many horror stories. They were not realistic.
Today is 3 months + 4 days post surgery and I feel 99% better. I only experience pain in my surgery site when I eat foods that are VERY greasy, and it only lasts for a few minutes. This is the only reason I am not saying I am 100% better. I also ate 4 ounces of french fries last week with no consequences.
I am also back to running regularly and lifting weights with no pain. I feel absolutely amazing. If you have a dysfunctional gallbladder like I did, don't sweat it. Just get the sucker removed and you won't regret it.