Monday, December 6, 2010

Pho Adventures, Pt. 3

I made homemade beef pho!

It was way harder and took way longer than what I had expected.

I bought 5lbs of beef bones from Safeway. And then we went to Whole Foods to find all of the weird spices I had never heard of (coriandor, fennel, star anise... I don't know what any of those are, but I bought them and I used them!)
I boiled all of the bones for about 20 minutes to remove all of the dirt and cleaned them off really well. Then I put them back in water, added all the spices, some roasted onions and ginger, and let it simmer for about two and a half hours. I couldn't believe what kind of flavor comes from a bone and seasoning.

I froze about 3/4 lb of london broil (because it's lean) so that Chad would be able to slice really thin slices from it. I also prepared a package of thin thai rice sticks, some chopped cilantro, jalapeno and green onion and it was done.

Our final verdict: very good for a first attempt! Our only pho experience is from Pho King in Seaside. And the pho I made was completely different from theirs. But when I look online at how other people's pho turned out, mine looked exactly like theirs. I think I did it right, but that Pho King's is different.

Next time, after I make the pho broth, I am going to put it in the fridge and then let the fat rise to the top so I can scrape it off. It was a little greasy. But for now, I think I have completely pho'd Chad and I out for a while.

My next cooking adventure is going to either be vegetable chili of some sort, or learning how to steam and eat a full crab.

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